Your Soul Money Map

- Align and Prosper -


Learn how your soul was designed to create and manifest money. 


Are you an indirect or direct manifestor?

Are you an organic, linear, or systemic creator?

Are you meant to innovate, or reinvent?

Be consistent or embrace variety?

Offer exclusivity or market to the masses?


What if I told you that knowing these answers could transform your money story!




Your Soul Money Map Revealed

Dec 9th, 10th and 11th 

2 pm MST


(All calls recorded. Includes individual coaching for those LIVE)



Direct OR Indirect, THAT is the question! 

Learn what dominant soul energy you have. Are you designed to take action, "hustle", and directly focus your creative force to actualize money? Or, are you designed to allow, support others, and receive money indirectly? Once you know, we will spend time clearing what's in the way of you BEING you with money.


Are you Organic, Linear, or Systemic?

Learn, accept and flow with your unique creation style.  Are you meant to create money by following the present moment, laying out a step-by-step plan, or having multiple income streams you are creating simultaneously?  When you change the way you do things, everything changes!  


Consistent or Variable? Innovative or Reinventive?Integrative or Exclusive? Process or Outcome Based?

In other words, where are you on the scale with regards to these money comparatives?  For example, are you meant to create a slew of different products/programs, or stick with a signature one? Are you a trailblazer in your field, or do you naturally perfect something already in place?  Are you digestible by the masses or meant to niche yourself ? Do you focus on changing from the inside out or do you make money focusing on an outward goal? Can you imagine how much time you will save implementing these answers into your life and business?  


I'm Suzanne Stauffer

My relationship with money began like many of you, saving my pennies as a young girl, in a blue- collar family, determined to get ahead. 

After graduating college (the first in my fam) with an Accounting Degree, I dived into the world of money head first.  Initially, accounting and reporting about it as an auditor in a local CPA firm. 

Then, for 20 years, creating an Accounting Consulting firm where I advised entrepreneurs on how to create more and better manage their money. In the last decade, I've turned to the esoteric, and it turns out that the spiritual economics of money are just as important as the practical.  

That's why for 10 years, I've been reading the Akashic Records and have used this dynamic tool as I've read for and coached thousands of folks around their soul purpose, how to monetize their soul purpose, and what curses and constructs are in the way of creating the money they dream of.    

Turns out, we aren't made to create and manifest money the same as anyone else.  And, there's a whole bunch of money stories and unconscious programming in the way of creating money with ease. 

I've helped people double, triple, and 5 x their income.  Are you next?  

Align and Prosper! Join me Dec 9th - 11th and receive your Soul Money Map...

AND the coaching you need to use and integrate your map!  Aren't you ready for some ANSWERS on how to play the money game? Deep down, don't you know that creating money get's to be easier going forward?